Thursday, September 28, 2017

Shopping My Stash #1

Hello Lovelies,

Welcome back! And if you are new here, welcome 💕💕💕

Green beauty things I am loving Fall/Autumn 2017

With your permission I will start a new monthly segment in my blog called “Shopping My Stash” where I will list five to seven natural beauty products I am reaching for everyday. This isn't just another version of Favourites post, as the items won't necessarily be faves, some of them I will be using to use it up, and I will always be clear about it. So it will be a mixture of new things, trusty faves and things I want to use up for some reason or another. I don't know about you, but new things are always My Favourite Things, especially when it comes to make up or fashion items, and I tend to either wear them to death or fall out of love with them after some time, hence they don't always make it into my Faves, which I post quarterly. No? Just me then 😊

OK, let's start, shall we? Let's see what I'm reaching for in September.

Amazing moisturiser for my uber sensitive and dermatitis prone skin. I’ve resisted for ages but now that I have it, I am so loving it! Review to come soon, and I feel this will be a repurchase for life. Wish it would be slightly cheaper though. It's £30.50 for 30ml in Love Lula, link.
*Update a few weeks later. Review can be found here and I am so impressed with this cream, it was repurchased at least five times in this year alone. And it made into 2017 Best Products, no less! 

Ere Perez Arnica Concealer in Light 

I have a review on this if you want to see, link here. Stocked in Love Lula, it's £16 for whopping 10gr. I was told this duo is being discontinued and is replaced by single colour pots, but at this moment I can still see it for sale in Love Lula. I love this concealer - sticky, yes, but it gives me much needed full coverage for under eyes, and the darker color in the duo is what I’ve used the most. I hit pan on it about two months ago and am well on the way of finishing it, but one eagle eyed lady informed me that the new single pots contain propylene carbonate, I checked the ingredient on EWG and it rates at 1, but I am yet to research it further and see if I am OK with it or not. My second option is to go back to Hynt Beauty Duo Perfecting Concealer, which is also full coverage concealer I am in love with, but it tends to crease a bit more. I am torn. Help please! 

Glossworks Nail and Cuticle Oil

This came in Love Lula August Beauty Box - while everyone else got Glossworks nail polish and 3in1 top coat, they couldn't ship it to me due to health and safety reasons (how frustrating!) so I got this nail and cuticle oil instead. At first I didn't think I'd get much use or pleasure using it, but I find reaching it for it every single evening! Which is surprising to me, because for one, I don't paint my nails on a regular basis, nor I purchase separate product for cuticles - so far I used to use any random oil I happened to have on hand at a time. Now I have a proper product. It's £12 for 9ml in Love Lula.

Rahua Voluminous Shampoo 

Post Living Libations True Blue Spirulina shampoo, this I am trying next to see how they will compare and if I will like it as much. I haven't had much look with budget green beauty shampoos, so I am hoping and not so hoping I will like it. Hoping because I want to find great shampoos to recommend you guys, and I am also apprehensive because it is priced at a luxury price point - so it would be an expensive habit to keep up. (It's £28 for 275ml link here) At the moment I am hiding it from my family - way to go mama! What? I give them everything, can I just keep one thing for myself? 😁
*Update a few weeks later. I have reviewed this shampoo in detail since, and you can find it here. I have tried a couple of other natural shampoos since, but this remains a firm favourite that also made it into my 2017 Best Products post.

Madara Daily Defence Ultra Rich Balm For Skin Protection From Dryness And Extreme Weather Conditions

First of all, can you believe that's the name? Say that three times fast! Joking aside, it is a good balm I can constantly using as a hand cream now I have the heating cranked up. Anyone else with the heating on? I feel Mother Nature is going crazy.. I love this balm, and I bought one more for my mom, and she raves about it too. It's £15 for 60ml, link here. It is Eco Cert certified, good ingredients, and now I want to try more from the brand! Tell me what I should try next? 

So that is all for this post, ta ta for now and see you here shortly. New posts every Monday and extra posts every week too!

           You can shop LoveLula website here.

           Or subscribe to Love Lula box here. 


 P.s. Please make my day and like and share this or any of my blog posts on social media. Thank You!
Follow me on my new blog Greenlifeindublin.comInstagram, Twitter, Pinterest, Facebook and YouTube. (someday I will start making YouTube videos, promise!)

Lots of Love,

 Want to check out my skincare reviews? Click here. Interested in make up reviews? Click here. All my body care and hair care reviews live in this post. Diy inclined? Even if not, you might enjoy my super-simple-minimal-ingredients-DIYs here. You are welcome.

Disclaimer: You can't use any of my content (photos or text) without my permission first. 


  1. For Dr. Hauschka Rose Cream Light I'm paying between 16 and 20 €, so I'm a bit shocked now. Maybe it's better to order it from Germany. For Ere Perez I had the chance to test it once, but it's far too dark for me. I also didn't like the quality of the packaging, it was waggly like cheap drugstore plastic boxes. For shampoo, have you tried unique Shampoo ? I swap between moisturizing and deep cleansing shampoo. I also like Bouclème Moisturizing shampooo. So good luck ;) Cheers, Petra

    1. 16€ for DrHauschka cream? That sounds like a dream come true, and if that is the price in Germany, then it should pay off to get it directly from the country indeed. As long as I can find a vendor with free or low shipping cost, haha, so I wouldn't spend money saved on postage :) The packaging of Ere Perez products could do with a makeover, I agree with you there. And many thanks for reading and letting me know your thoughts and recs. Have a lovely day Petra!

  2. Hi Renata, great post series! I've used up this Glosswork oil but didn't see much difference then using any other oil or hand cream to be honest. Madara long name balm I'm using at the moment, but it's my day face cream! It says body or face so I have chosen face :P If I can recommend any other Madara product it would be time miracle cellular repair serum, it's quite pricey but I've seen good results (brightening and firming). I would like to ask if I can have your permission to make a similar posts on my blog? :) Thank you!

    1. Haha, love Madara long name balm :)To be honest I gave it away to my mom who was visiting us over the Christmas period, and I haven't repurchased, because I found it didn't really cut it for me when the temperatures really dropped - my Mahalo balms did so much more for my skin, so I will continue to use those. Extremely pricy, yes, but for me it works so much better. We are all different. Thanks for the recommendation re: Madara serum, I will keep it in mind! I just bought Cellular Nutrients Repair Mist (or whatever it is called) and I can't wait for it to arrive. As for my permission to so these posts, go ahead, you don't even need my permission, as the bloggers have been doing these type of posts for ages, the idea isn't mine. Can't wait to see what you are up to!
